"He will not grow faint or be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth..." Isaiah 42
We have just surfaced from an unprecedented whirlwind of activity. In only two months we have held VBS in 14 different communities, with more than 2500 kids and 800 adults who attended. This year we have danced, sang silly songs, memorized the "Ten Commandments" with the accompanying hand motions, packed cookies, counted candy, played games, glued, cut and colored more times than I would like to remember. It was worth is all to see the smiles and more than that to see the kids respond to the eternal message of God's promise of forgiveness and eternal life.
In the middle of this "VBS-fest" we took a step of faith to begin expansion of the Hope House. We are adding 12 new girls this fall, which is a new high for us, but we need more space. Since May we have had help with not only VBS, but also the new construction with volunteer teams from Guntersville, AL., Southeastern University, Panama City, FL., Vincent, AL., Montgomery, AL., Raleigh, NC. and Franklin, TN. We will continue to the expansion into January, in total we are adding approximately 50% more floor space.
We wanted to take a second, in the middle of letting the dust settle, to let you know just how thankful we are for being of part of God's eternal plan for Ecuador. You can take five minutes and watch the attached video and get a taste of our VBS work this year and if you want the full effect, then turn off you're A/C and go out into the sunshine.